Technical Papers

How Helical Piers are Used to Fix a Foundation

Wednesday, November 1st, 2023 by Jack Purdon

If you read our last blog, then you know why foundations all across the region are shifting. One thing you may not understand is how to fix them. Don't worry, we are here to help you learn. One of our most common methods to help fix foundations is the installation of helical piers, (piers shown below).


How Helical Piers are Used to Fix a Foundation - Image 1


You see when your foundation is shifting, not only do you want it to stop shifting, you want it to shift it back to how it started. Our helical piers are the best option most of the time because they are strong, minimal in appearance and disturbance, and are able to reach deep into the soil. 


The process starts with a dug out trench all the way down to your foundational footers. Sometimes we know exactly how far down, sometimes we dig until we can locate the footer. If we can use an excavator we will, or the trench can be hand dug. We then drill the helical piers down into the soil, where we know the soil is strong enough to not shift. We usually drill them down with hydraulics or an excavator, using their drill-like shape as a tool.  After the piers are screwed down, we attach the brackets connected to the piers to your footings. We then are able to raise the foundation back to the desired position using complicated hydraulics, something unique to The Basement Doctor. We then place soil back over the piers in the trench and do our best to clean up any disturbances. The result is a saved foundation done in a quick and easy way. You won't ever to have worry about your foundation shifting again!

